Big Sister Instinct: Lopez has Ruby dead to rights.When Washington went to Beacon, rather than say make him a Professor or an official licensed Huntsman, Ozpin made the Freelancer Beacon's janitor, much to Glynda's chagrin. Almighty Janitor: Entirely literal in this case.It's implied that Caboose is in fact a dog Faunus, as Church notes he gets very excited whenever someone calls out his name.Here, the former is human and Tex is a Shark Faunus. Church and Texas were Artificial Intelligences in Red vs.That may or may not have to do with the fact that Cardin got his shit wrecked by Tex and received the Grif treatment. Here, Jaune and Cardin and Grif share a more hospitable relationship. Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Cardin was initially antagonistic towards Jaune, bullying him when given the opportunity up until Jaune saved him from an Ursa Grimm in Forever Fall.Because Blue Team and Red Team destroyed Main Avenue and injured several students in the process, Ozpin decides to change up the formula by having the students, as Sarge oh so eloquently put it, "beat each other up until 60 students remain standing". Adaptation Deviation: Initiation was held at the Emerald Forest and had the students be launched into the forest and form into pairs, eventually forming teams, and retrieve the relics.Chapter 7 has Simmons state the only reason he's buff is because he wanted to be strong enough to shoot big guns without suffering from some serious backlash. Even the narration states that he should be fat given how much he eats. Grif is stated numerous times to be obese, but in the fanfic, he's surprisingly slender and fit. Adaptational Attractiveness: Downplayed.This fanfic contains the following tropes:

Weird, isn't it? - Fanfiction Dot Net summary. Yet it is enough to describe what would happen if two teams of misfit 'soldiers' aspire to become Huntsmen at the prestigious Beacon Academy. Such a beautiful word that spells more than one can imagine. Blue and RWBY fanfiction Crossover written by DarkAkatsuk1 of Son of Sparda D×D fame.ĭisastrous.